Between watching this 15 minute Think Thank video and checking out these 100 or so Tim Zim photos you’ll start to get a good idea of just how fun Holy Bowly is. But in case not, take it from us, it’s a lot of fun! It’s as fun as snowboarding. That is to say, it’s as fun as snowboarding is intended to be. It feels like the times we should be having, every boarder from first years’ to Eric Jackson can have the time of their season there.
The Holy Bowly is the perfect amalgamation of surf, skate and ski, where snowboarding stands alone as the only activity to give you this much good times all at once. You flow through it, surfing the endless banks, walls and rolls and when the time’s right and a freestyle moment presents itself, whammy! You get it. It’s the best of us because we’re best when we’re all together and having fun. Best progression, best tricks, best times. Straight up it feels like when this whole snowboard thing started. We set out here in this post to write a story about the future of snowboard parks, but there’s no need, because the future is already here, it’s the Holy Bowly.
And we’re off! Starting out at the Mervin MFG Seattle office. Couple of cold brew coffees, a High Cascade van and a baby. Pants optional!
Skate your kids. Jamie Jacobson jibs Marley.
Heartbreaker, Phil Hansen, in Sisters Oregon.
Camping under the heavens in Tumalo at the Warbington’s farm / animal reserve. The Warbington family are amazing people who bring everyone in as one of their own and share the magic that is their world.
Just a peacock chillin’ with 30 of his closest friends. Warbington farm.
This is the actual bowl from the HBO series Deadwood. Phil Hansen blasts a boneless to splinter.
Reis loves hot dogs, and skateboarding! Perfect because that’s all we ate and all we did on the road to Holy Bowly.
Our next stop was Klamath, OR. Sky Siljeg sets up a new board before the destruction.
Sky boneless blast in Klamath.
Sky Siljeg, shadow surfing contortionist.
Cute things in the works for Sky Siljeg and Lib Tech Skate!
Mikey is healthy now. He eats avocados straight up and talks a lot about kale.
The Lib Skate dudes loved this place, Mikey Swearingen sends an alley oop crail on the hip.
Mikey keeps the storm at bay with a fs Ollie.
Think Thank’s Sean Lucey gets his before the van pulls out for Sizzler. So much for Mikey’s diet…
Even Max Warbington looks hard through chain link. Klamath, OR.
Classic van life moment. Time to b-line for Sacramento!
Stark beauty in snap shots of the American road trip.
The Holy Bowly is somewhere over that rainbow.
Purple mountains majesty.
Phil Hansen Powers Inn a back nose blunt in Sac
And this is why you can’t have nice things Mikey.
Mikey in his natural state, shirtless, upside down.
These are healthy right? They go in, they come out…
We made it! The crew getting ready for day one Holy Bowly at Mammoth Mountain
The course, a thing of beauty! Endless lines, endless fun.
The course, a thing of beauty! Endless lines, endless fun.
Endless possibilities.
Krush gathered everyone up top before the first run to kick off the week, then sent the four time Bowly veterans down first.
Riders on course! First run of Holy Bowly 2016
The mandatory 3pm rake and slip. A great way to keep the Bowly in prime condition and to take a minute to plan the next day’s lines
This is Tucker Andrews, he rips and was a Bowly stand out. The things he does with a turn are next level.
3 east coast powerhouses reunited by the Holy Bowly. Dave Marx, Brandon Reis and Sean Lucey.
Hey Max, can I borrow a pillow? No? You need all those, ok.
The kids are all right. Unreal youth Keala Cole.
More hair-dos for the Gnu squad, Blake Paul aka Fashion Week.
Young gun Sam Buckmelter got buck before the snow meltered.
It’s beautiful country out there in Mono County.
Surfy slash by Ted Borland
Zebbe has a girl back in Sweden but he had his hands all over the Bowly’s boobs.
Blake Paul’s relaxed style and deep trick bag makes him one of the most fun to watch ride Holy Bowly.
Jacob Krugmire with a savage front three tweak for the dusk boys
Night Moves by Ted Borland
Squad goals!
Breakfast of champions. Jesse Burtner gets iced at 8am.
Jamie Lynn smith grind at the Brothers park. A parallel reality of Holy Bowly, albeit cement.
Jamie lives to rip.
Jamie frontside air Brothers park.
Early bird gets the groom. Heading up for an am session.
Burtner with event creator and long time collaborator Krush Kulesza. All the rad!
A bunch of babies with their cradle
Alex Lopez was born to Bowly.
Phil Hansen never stopped snowboarding or skating the entire trip. Miller flip tail.
Phill rips a savage method at the morning shoot.
Cooper Whittier found the only sheer wall in Holy Bowly and proceeded to smash in to it, kids these days…
Matteo Soltane was on fire! Channel wall ride.
Matteo with an insane love seat G-don carve!
Max Warbington taped up the ankle and got after this love seat lay back on the last day.
The method. Jamie Lynn at the Holy Bowly.
Ever the wild card, Dave Marx shreds every second like it’s his last.
Slush slasher Phil a little too close for Zim’s comfort.
Ted Borland busted out the vintage cat board for the final day.
The cradle was an amazing feat of snow manufacturing. Tucker got amongst it on day one.
Tucker titty tweak.
Tucker puts in the rudder for a high speed Birdman roost.
Ted butters his banana.
Tucker hammers a slash on one of Holy Bowly’s 200 curves
Zebbe Landmark was sending the hip all week. Back 7!
Eric Jackson indy transfer on his home turf.
Phil Hansen front threes over an entire bowl!
Erik Karlsson, mad pop!
Tucker Andrews is always amongst it!
Jesse Burtner playing with the quick unstrap potential of the Holy Bowly.
Reis drops a bow on the love seat
Mikey Swearingen lays out on the job again.
A lot has been made of the method air, who’s got the best one? Is it Phil Hansen? Yes.
Mikey fs transfer in to the cradle.
Tucker back 180 tail tweak
Tucker flips out over boobs.
Tucker went crazy and did a back rodeo over the whole shebang.
The art of the slash with Tucker Andrews.
Ted Borland gets two hands on his banana.
Matteo turned 17 and turned heads with his riding at Holy Bowly.
Alex Lopez fins what he starts on the Finsanity!
Keala Cole fs invert in the cradle.
Jack got Wiley all over the bowl park. Miller flip.
Jesse Burtner with a weird one, fakie judo tail block slide?
Blake Paul slush roostin’ hand drag insanity!
The one hoof antics are strong with this one. One foot miller Matteo Soltane.
Phil Hansen 5050 the top rope at Reed Sport.
Sky with a sick Zim-vert.

Enjoy The Holy Bowly 2016 at Mammoth Mountain presented by Snowboy Productions and sponsored by us, Lib Tech. Video by Think Thank’s Sean Lucey, photos by Tim Zimmerman. Huge thanks to Krush of Snowboy Productions, Mammoth Mountain park crew and all the rippers for coming out. This is us! This is snowboarding! We’re already on the road to next year’s Holy Bowly!