As our piles piled into the Libaru for a tour of the terracotta landscape of the great state of Idaho, the outside temperature on the dash read a bit higher than 69 but not quite 420 for the entirety of the 6 hours to our first stop… Lewiston. Amidst the potty talk, skateboard folklore, booger flinging, and feed check at 100 degrees team building and heavy claims were lingering in the cab like a stale fart.
No more “you shoulda been there” or “that would have been sick”. As we pulled into the lot we stuck out like sore thumbs… Not sure of it was a certain stench (for medicinal use, seriously, Jamie Jacobson broke his foot the day before) that rang through bare hills of the border town, riddled with law abiding citizens, or the Jamie Lynn masterpiece duplicated in our two car fleet.
There might be a park somewhere out there
Youth can still be masters, and Kyle is the master of tight, small tranny. Kyle Ward, Lewiston
Hurricanes are rare in Idaho, but a shirtless Swayze was 24/7. Mike Swearingen, hurricane, Lewiston
The rail was closer to the river than the park, so you know Phil went straight to where the water was. Phil Hansen, 50-50 gap over, Lewiston
We may have been on the Idaho Leg, but Chad only needed one. Chad Fenlon, one foot 5-0, Lewiston
To be a ghost, you gotta be able to plant fast. Kyle Ward, fastplant, Lewiston
The next park got fired up real quick with a sesh over the door. Phil Hansen, crail slide, McCall
Mike likes to take the inside. Mike Swearingen, 5-0, McCall, shirtless again
A flag in the sky fits well in the country. Chad Fenlon, boneless, McCall
It was a portal through the space time continuum into the never ending land of potatoes, and the potatoes were feasted upon by everyone. Phil Hansen, back smith, McCall
A true patriot lets his flag fly high. Chad Fenlon, tuckknee, McCall
The nightly ritual, this time by a lake, and the boys all stared out over the mountains to a lightning storm in the distance
A lightning storm quickly approaching over the lake, chomping over the Milky Way like a child downing a fruit roll-up
The aftermath of a murder scene, Dave Marx looking pretty suspicious to being the convict
Within minutes of being out of the car, Chad blasted the madonna on the tallest wall in the park. Chad Fenlon, madonna, Boise
Why the tongue you may ask? Phil likes to eat them after he picks them. Phil Hansen, nosepick, Boise
Another one with an epic skate face, Mike goes frontside while looking at his backside. Mike Swearingen, frontside air, Boise
And again, the skate face does not disappoint. Mike Swearingen, boneless, Boise
The only fish you can catch in the Boise river are stale fish. Phil Hansen, Boise
You knew he could do it on every wall in the park, so why not stretch em all to the ceiling? Chad Fenlon, madonna, Boise
Phil goes Sky High on the pillar. Phil Hansen, method tap, Boise
It might be a sad plant, but that healthy breakfast meal made Mike happy. Mike Swearingen, sad plant, Boise
It may have been the best andrecht ever done. Nothing can stop Jamie Jacobson from skateboarding
By this point, everyone was getting Idaho legs, but Kyle’s young legs allowed him to keep tweaking. Kyle Ward, tailbone, Gooding
The park was so new and clean that there was no need for cleanup when we got there, but Chad decided to do a sweeper anyways. Gooding
Phil took his shirt off to try and channel his inner Swayze and get his handplants better. He still didn’t get coping, but he got Jamie’s boot! Phil Hansen, shinvert, Gooding
Talk about some precision. Up the outside, to the rail, and down the side. Kyle Ward, indy tail tap, Gooding
Mike woke up the next morning with minimal recollection of what had happened the night before
As all our heads pounded, the parking lot really became the spot to be. Kyle wasn’t sure of what a throbbing head felt like. Kyle Ward, hurricane, Ketchum
A morning blaster is the best blaster. Chad lets one fly. Boneless, Ketchum
Kyle kicks one north as we get ready to head south. Kyle Ward, indy north, Ketchum
Hungover or not, Baby Deer still charged. Chad Fenlon, Heel block, Hailey
You thought the last one was gnar? Baby Deer lets the Idaho leg fly with an NBD. Chad Fenlon, one foot heel block, Hailey
And then he went to the other end of the bowl, 15 feet up and still not being taken down. Chad Fenlon, smith, Hailey
He finally got taken out, but not without walking away victorious. Chad dying, and Lucey stoked that he filmed one of the gnarliest tricks of the trip
Kyle hopped in the bowl and went for the smallest quarterpipe, but still tweaked the hardest. Kyle Ward, method, Hailey
Craters of the Moon, it really felt like a whole different planet
You had to be quick to snake the scooters in the park, and Phil is no stranger to going fast. Phil Hansen, backside fastplant, Idaho Falls
You had to get your money’s worth in one run before they all dropped in on you, and Phil kept the line going with this frontside air in the same lap
Mike tried to kick the scooter kids’ faces off, but they still snaked us all day. Mike Swearingen, ollie north, Idaho Falls
Idaho has more beauty than just potatoes
There ain’t nothing like a good old fashioned skate trip, fueled by mostly sketchy food, beers, and stoke, the Idaho Leg was a wrap

Lewiston provided. No big tranny L but for a1st stop just to get the getaway sticks limber? What more could you ask for?! Chad Fenlon greased and unfiltered ciggy and a FS One Foot 5-0 in the 11th hr on the Rat Tail. Kyle had his back with lil ham of a street line (the only one of the trip) and a miller flip to put the cherry on top. But the cajones of the day award goes to Pill Phil with a 50-50 to grass ride out out… to nudy swim in the Snake River (For more of phil’s bare ass, Follow @philbuttt_hansen).
MCaull was a ball. Good Subway too! (Ordering for more than 8, call ahead.) In a bougie lil’ mountain town tucked away in the center of the potato state lies a gem without much mileage on the coping. The boys laid into it. The Chaddy dopeness laced a FS boneless sky high! Speaking of, in his absence Sky released his unearthly power to create a storm so powerful and so disruptive, that our serene campsite in the hills became ground zero for total destruction… of our 8 person tent at 2 am.
Rhodes? Where we’re going we need Rhodes? A few more hours, some shitty reggae, a bit of trap music, and countless times of Mikey telling us how good the Flash is and we had made it to the USA’s most recent skateboard mecca. Rhodes park in Boise. Not there for long time, but a good time! Prestige crew laced us with grip/ soft goodies, and Bridget and the Garden City Project had beers and the mini ramp cool down.
Good thing we were headed to Gooding where the blistering heat of the white, hot, American, leg trip motivated the youngest, most-easily influenced to skate. Kyle filmed a line that Daewon liked on social media, and Jamie Jacobson sacrificed the potential well-being of his fresh fracture for the makings of history. Phil Hansen shInverted Jamie’s boot. WTF?
After a burger and a cone down the road, we headed to the pride of Idaho, Idaho Falls. A lovely little town or something, with some park lizards baking in the sun, a constant hum of scooter wheels, the occasional M80, and mufflers dwarfing baseball game megaphones. We got what we got, Phil barley passed his math test and we bailed licktey split!
We made camp in outer space. With the whole crew reaching stages of delirium, and photog Joe Hammeke probably ready to bail, home for the night was the Craters of the Moon in the middle of fucking nowhere. A manufactured campground complete with more cookie cutter campers (and there occupants) than times Mikey was asked to put his shirt in on in a family restaurant, amongst Mother Nature’s beautiful landscape. Place is dope, who knew?
Through Sun Valley (Ritz) into the swithcbacks of the Saw Tooth Nat’l forest (sticks). For just one night subsistence living paid off. Babbling creek, unlimited firewood, magnificent views, plenty of beers, and good times with old friends, for the most part. Phil used a beer as a throwing star, likely in self/ego defense against Mikey and we will likely hear the end of it.
In any event, pent up frustration boiled blood under a full moon, fueling the next day’s session. A warm up at Ketchum, set up for a slaughter fest at Hailee. Dreamland’s gnarliest creation and the holy grail of transition skateboarding. Full pipe, savage extension, deep bowl, plenty of vert. Phil and Chad kicked around a couple lofty trick ideas. After warming up on the vert wall, Chad battled and conquered an alley-oop 50-50 in the deep end. WOOF!
As we followed our compasses true northwest, we slowly made our way back. Stopped for a rebate session at Rhodes. Mikey showed up, (shirt off) and produced. Phil chucked up a Mctwist, Jamie did an invert in his boot, kyle gapped the channel, Chad destroyed the lip of the vert wall and we went home!