Do you love winter? Yup! Do you want to party? Yup! Join us at Subaru Winterfest! Subaru has created a one-of-a-kind concert and mountain lifestyle tour where skiers and snowboarders can come together and share their passion for all things winter. We’re talking live music, Lib Tech demos, board give aways, snacks (smores!), drinks (coffee!), avy dogs….wait what? Yes avy dogs and something called a “bark park” which is possibly where you get to jib a dog. Just kidding, no dogs will be jibbed, it’s an on site dog park for you and your miniature husky (what was his name again, Kenai?) to frolic in the snow and be part of the party. Also “Subaru owners get VIP parking”, rad! Some great bands are signed on and we’re signed on with full fleets of next year’s Lib Tech dream boards so you should sign on too (no signature required). Gather your tribe, head to WinterFest and make memories that will last a long time (longer than the smores those go down easy). Dates and locations below. Follow #SubaruWinterFest on Instagram and check back here for updates.