If you’re a fan of sports, snowboarding, laughter, slams, competition, air, blasting or fun of any nature than you for sure have been following the global SKOLF tour. The Norwegian Snowboard Golf craze has gripped the snowboard world with star athletes battling it out in the most intense war of physical stamina and mental will to ever grace this frozen battlefield. The season has built up in to a fever pitch all headed for the SKOLF Masters Championship in Brighton, UT March 27th and 28th.
We were on hand for the Season’s first stop at Ted Borland’s Bonezone Brighton in December. It was a sadistic display of “edge catch happy” log features and “a little too early in the season for that” level of tricks, hilarity ensued. Check out the pics from Tim Zimmerman and the full video from Airblaster and Stan Leveille and get ready for the 2 day SKOLF Masters Championship March 27th and 28th at Brighton Resort!
All pics by Tim Zimmerman:
Ted over the jersey barrier (and par)
Ted was one of the few to make this twisted sister
Borland back lip on the log rail
Ted spins to win
A two liner! Phil Hansen goes front three
Sideways on that log? I’ll take a mulligan. Phil Hansen
Marx wins shred face of the century looking like a hArbor seal
All the wood grain at this event left quite an impression on Dave
Robby Meehan was a glow
Switch board slide? Did you Meehan to do that?
A contender for the Masters, Max Warbington
Max knows bonks
Reis the beast sending
Reis going under par on a switch back lip
Reis the feast driving truck
a lot of this going around
a better look at a bad look
This kid can go through anything. Brendan Sullivan
A couple of maximum bros. Max Toks running shit and Max Warbs wining shit
Straight OG grenade alum Max Weinberger still ripping
Cooper putting on a show
Cooper blasting
Cooper winning
It’s not a party without DJ Matty Mo
score card
Lady Luck be with me tonight. Trick wheel
Dave loves nollies but thinks ollies arboring
Hava Nagila? More like hava na gunna work here any more.