The “Sabo TAJ” is the result of ongoing design development between Taj Burrow and Matt Biolos.

Meant to perform in the widest range of conditions by minimalistic means, and essentially provide Taj a one board weapon for his last minute, whirlwind travels …where theres no time, space or desire to pack a proper quiver. The Sabo TAJ features a modest, overall rocker that is “shifted back”, so that the entry is low, fast and drivey. The tail rocker has the curve and release of a high performance step up for tight radius whip and control. The outline features a wider than average nose with enough area under foot to be surfed fast and radical in everyday waves while the narrow tail tip holds in solid surf and barrels. The nose rocker is modest for speed and drive and the tail rocker has plenty of curve for tight radius whip and control. A slight concave between the feet adds lift but zeros out in the nose to keep things catch free and a mild double concave cuts through the tail rocker adding speed in smaller waves and drive in larger ones. Powerful reef waves, punchy beach breaks, compact slabs, lined up points or even soft lumpy rollers, the Sabo TAJ provides effective consistency, with the ability to be pushed to reckless and radical Taj Burrow levels, in nearly all conditions. Taj rides it 1″ shorter, but a touch wider, than his typical #Pro_formance short board.

–Matt Biolos


Built in our rugged travel friendly ecoImpacto construction the Sabo screams take me to Mexico or Indo all summer, Hatteras and Europe in the fall, Hawaii all winter and doesn’t mind staying close to home if it’s pumping. Relax your surf travel lifestyle with the confidence dang difficult to ding brings… let’s go!

Lib Tech Sabo Taj Surfboard

Categories: Surf