…lost Surfboards presents 5’5” 19 1/4… Century a video series celebrating the story of the revolutionary Round Nose Fish and the current crew of rippers creating history on the RNF ’96 today!
“Takin’ a Ride”
“We start out in Hawaii and warm up with mason ho and his “pops” in some reeling rocky right runners.
Then follow mason across the globe, over to Indo, for some seriously fun and fabulous fishing, with a flamboyant flare that only mason can provide.
For a change of pace, we link up with “rasta” rob mccormick, where he really gives a radical working over, during a run of waves around his home town haunts, in famously flat Florida.
Finally, slow down and settle in, for transcendent experience, as working man Griffin Colapinto, wondrously weaves his 5’5” weapon, flawlessly, through cylindrical man made perfection, painting creative strokes and positing a case for the beauty of synthetic surf, more enthralling and convincing than any contest can hope for.
As always, stick around for the credits, featuring more rasta rob, a little Lucas Silveira and a Hawaiian holiday with Ian Crane.” – …Lost
“Back for More”
“Kick off, with Kolohe who channels the wide words of Tom n George, hand crafting his own garage days creation, to a famously familiar soundtrack, then travels Down Under, to the ubiquitous Morning of the Earth test track, in searingly strong, side shore, sweeping surf.
While Down Under, Kolohe wanders yonder, back for more, ambling along Falzon’s cradle of cultural creation, where he wrestles wild windswept waves with wonder and aplomb.
Staying in the Southern Hemisphere, we hop over and hook up with Michael Rodrigues, brazenly bashing boisterous Brazilian beach breaks and beyond.
We liaise with the lovely Coco Ho, the even lovelier Luke Davis and cute Kirra Pink, who link and lace the long, lavish lines of luscious Central American sub-tropic point breaks.
Arching across the Atlantic, with sweet Luke, back for more, as he heroically hurls himself into angry North African spinning snake pits, wily wrangling the dangerous depths, with the beautiful dexterity of a Desert Fox.
Ride along with Crosby and a Car full of Carrs, on a rambunctious romp, back for more, through barren Baja, with a few barrels and plenty of perils, as the credits roll on by.
There’s more to this that you won’t want to miss… the euphoric bliss of Yago, carving, twisting, slipping sliding, spinning, driving, gouging and gliding-around sunny summer time California.” – …lost
“Party Wave”
“Yago Dora, Noah Beschen, Crosby Colapinto, Ian Crane, Robbie McCormick and Eric Geiselman whip out their fish in far-flung locations around the world.
-Yago goes to chilly Chile and surfs himself silly.
-Noah Beschen hits gymnastic heights at Rocky Rights.
-Rasta, EG and Crane tag-team Bali’s most beloved right.
-Crosby puts the “They work in damn-near everything” theory to the test, in bodacious backhand Sumbawan barrels.
Then its back home to the USA, as Griffin, Kolohe, and the Reckless Isolation crew surf through and actually score along the American Eastern seaboard, from New Smyrna to New York.” – …lost
“Old Guys Rule”
“We sit down with Chris n Cory, as they reminisce early days in Hawaii on the first few fish, then immediately make off to Mexico, as Chris works out the kinks in the sweltering Salina Cruz sun. Next, we catch up with Cory, at Kandui, meeting and mixing with Ian Crane, trading punches in a myriad of Mentawai line ups. Then, we delve deep Down Unda’ and way out West, to find Taj Burrow, “fishing” around the punchy powerful peaks of his frequent home town haunts, under ominous overcast skies. Stick around for the credits, featuring father/son forehand frothers, The World’s Highest Rated Rep, Gorkin going boom and Mason n Chris re-united for more Mexico mishaps” – Matt Biolos
“A little Spark”
“Episode 1 catches up with Matt Biolos, recounting the hazy history of the RNF’s humble inception, while shaping a 5’5” x 19 1/4” for Kolohe, who hurriedly hops down to Australia and promptly proceeds to put it to use, popping off in playful, punchy breach break, with youthful enthusiasm. We skip over to Indo and catch up with Mason, happily hotdogging an unnamed left and then back home, to Hawaii, where he recklessly romps through anything and everything, all around the island. Jumping across to California, Griffin spends one full fall day, basking in the sunshine and golden glow of his home break, making a case that the RNF could conceivably be ridden as competitive contest equipment. Finally, don’t skip the credits, as we stay with the Trestles theme and host a fish fest down at everyone’s favorite corner of cobblestone, featuring a classic collection of team riders, old and new.” – …lost
“One humble board made by a shitty shaper and two stony kids.” – Matt Biolos
Mayhem’s RNF ’96 is available in our made in the USA, darn difficult to ding, environmentally nicer, zero hazardouse waste construction!