Brandon Reis, aka The Backyard Boarder, invited a bunch of Lib Tech Rippers to set up shop in his house and personal DIY shred park for a few days of no holds barred creative snowboarding. The crew went ALL IN devouring the yard like a bunch of freestyle termites! Jeep, snow-mo, pond, tubes, rocks, rails, boxes, Box Scratchers, head scratchers, chainsaws, hammers and smiles; welcome to the Slumber Party!
Starring: Brandon Reis, Katie Kennedy, Phil Hansen, Matteo Soltane, Lily Clabrese, Al Grogan and Jesse Burtner
Boards at the Slumber Party!

Ted Borland Photo Gallery:
Lily 5050s Reis mid roll.
Katie Jeep ride on the Ryme.
Reis and his trusty steed.
Reis DIY tow in to backflip over.
Matteo scores tickets to the Nutcracker.
Jesse on a bender.
Phil boosting. No bird houses were harmed in this photo.
Phil. 1 birdhouse was harmed in this photo.