Mervin Pro Store

Welcome to the Mervin Manufacturing Pro Store.

The Mervin Manufacturing Pro Store is intended for employees of our retail partners as well as professionals who work in the Outdoor Sports Industry. Discounts are provided for qualified partners only.

To ensure the integrity of this program, we ask the following (any known deviation from these policies will result in the cancellation of your account).

DO NOT go into a local retailer to try on product and see it and then walk out because you have a Mervin Pro Code for the site. This is a waste of their time. If you feel you must go into a store or have questions, at least buy something while you are there.

Don't brag about or share your access to this privilege. Should a client, colleague, random acquaintance, parking lot attendant, professor, dog walker, homeless person, hippy, lawyer, doctor, teacher, police officer, fireman, or friend ask about Mervin Manufacturing product, please refer them to a nearby retailer so they can support them.

This program is meant for personal use only. Anyone found using this program to purchase products for anyone other than themselves will be removed from the program.
Please read the guidelines below to ensure that your order is processed smoothly.

All Pro Sales are Final. We do not accept returns on Pro Store Purchases. Products available on the Mervin Pro Store site are for personal use only.

Account Limits:
Anyone found attempting to resell or otherwise re-distribute products purchased through this program will be removed from the program. Access to the pro site is limited to the user, any orders of multiple products of the same category will be flagged for cancellation.

Not all items are eligible for pro purchase:
Pro pricing is based on available inventory and can change at any time without warning. Dakine accessories are not eligible for discounts

Online Ordering:
The Mervin Manufacturing Pro Store website is the only means of purchasing Mervin products at a discount price.


Thanks for your support and enjoy your new product!

Click the link below to enter your Mervin Manufacturing Pro Authorization code.